Prior to your visit:
1. Call the campus you want to visit three or four weeks in advance to find out what tour admission activities are available. You might request a tour of grounds and facilities, a meal in a college dining facility, a tour of several forms, permission to attend classes, or meet with a faculty member in your major of interest. Inquire about financial aid opportunities in your academic program.
2. Notify the office and Mrs. Clark of your campus visit by filling out a campus visit form a week ahead of time. If the campus visit form is not completed a week ahead of time and returned to the office after each visit, the absence MAY NOT be excused.
During your visit:
1. During a formal tour, note the buildings that are being shown to you. Do you see a variety of facilities? Make certain that you see a TYPICAL first year student dormitory.
2. Read the campus bulletin boards, newspaper and posters to get the flavor of student’s activities and concerns.
3. Talk to several students (not just the tour guides) about why they selected the school and how their expectations have been met. Ask about what they see as the school’s strengths and weaknesses.
4. Seek out the experts to answer your questions. For Example:
5. Eat a meal on campus.
6. Meet with a faculty member in your academic area and attend a class if possible.
7. Inquire about both on and off campus activities.
8. Get something in writing verifying your visit by a college official and return it to the office the day you return.
After your visit:
1. After you leave the campus, take a few minutes to write down a few of your thoughts. What was the best characteristic of the campus visit? The worst? What left the strongest impression on you?
2. Give some thoughts to the things you like to do in your leisure time. Remember that you will be living in the college community for four or more years. Will this area be conducive to your hobbies and interests?
3. Turn in your verification of the campus visit to the front office the day you return or your absence may not be excused.