Class of 2023 & Beyond
Entering Grade 9; no credits needed.
Entering Grade 10; 6 credits needed.
Entering Grade 11; 12 credits needed.
Entering Grade 12; 18 credits needed.
High School Graduation 22 credits required.
Note: Students who do not attain the recommended credits will be considered “credit deficient,” that is, those students that haven’t received the number of credits may not have enough credits to graduate with their class. To clarify, students who finish their freshman year with less than 6 credits will be classified as a “credit deficient sophomore” for the next school year or until the required credits are obtained (e.g. through credit recovery programs).
Class credit will be issued at the conclusion of each semester, if the student earns a passing grade in that course.
All Otsego High School graduates have Four required graduation components that must be met for graduation eligibility:
Any student graduating from Otsego High School will be required to complete the Core Curriculum. The credits are as follows:
English 4 credits (including 1 credit of ELA1 and ELA2)
Math 4 credits (including 1 credit of Algebra 2)
Science 3 credits (1 credit of Physical Science, 1 credit of Life Science, 1 credit of Advanced Science)
Social Studies 3 credits (including Global Studies, US Studies and Government)
Fine Arts 1 credits
Health ½ credits
Physical Education ½ credits (two semesters) or PE Exemption
Personal Financial ½ credit
Electives 5 ½ credits (elective credits are in addition to the specific credits listed above)
Total 22.0 credits
Any student graduating from Otsego High School who is attending Penta Career Center will be required to complete the core curriculum, while earning their Career-Tech Education credits. The credit expectations are as follows:
English 4 credits (including 1 credit of ELA1 and ELA2)
Math 4 credits (including 1 credit of Algebra 2)
Science 3 credits (1 credit of Physical Science, 1 credit of Life Science, 1 credit of Advanced Science)
Social Studies 3 credits (including Global Studies, US Studies and Government)
Health ½ credits
Physical Education ½ credits (two semesters) or PE Exemption
Personal Financial ½ credit
Electives 6 ½ credits
(elective credits are in addition to the specific credits listed above, and also may include required CTE credits for Penta program expectations)
Total 22.0 credits
Students will demonstrate competency in the foundational areas of English language arts and mathematics or through alternative demonstrations, which include College Credit Plus, career-focused activities, their ACT or SAT scores, or military enlistment.
COMPETENCY SCORES must be met for two Ohio State Tests: Algebra 1 & English Language Arts 2. The competency score set by the Ohio Department of Education is 684 for both tests. All students are required to take both tests once, and if they do not earn a score that is greater than or equal to 684 they will retake the test a second time after remedial support has been made available. After a second attempt is made, if the student does not meet the competency score then the district can explore alternative options for the student to demonstrate competency.
ALTERNATIVE DEMONSTRATIONS OF COMPETENCY are available to students who were not successful in earning a score of 684 or better on the Algebra 1 and ELA2 OST. Students are able to meet competency through one of these three options:
OPTION 1: Demonstrate Two Career-Focused Activities
Students can demonstrate competency by meeting two of the following, and one of the two must be foundational.
- Proficient on WebXams
- 12 point industry credential
- Pre-apprenticeship or acceptance into an approved apprenticeship program
- Work-based Learning
- WorkKeys scores met
- Earn an Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal
OPTION 2: Enlist in the Military
Students can demonstrate competency by enlisting in a branch of the United States military. A copy of the student’s enlistment documentation must be provided to the School Counselor.
OPTION 3: Complete College Course
Students can demonstrate competency by earning credit for one college-level math and/or college-level English course through Ohio’s free College Credit Plus program.
Students will demonstrate readiness for their post-high school paths by earning a minimum of two diploma seals that allow them to demonstrate important foundational and well-rounded academic and technical knowledge, professional skills, and leadership and reasoning skills. Students are able to earn multiple seals, they are required to meet a minimum of two seals and one seal must be a State seal. Local seals are determined by district, Otsego schools defined graduation seals and descriptions are below.
Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal: Meet the requirements and criteria established by ODE for the readiness seal, including demonstration of work-readiness and professional competencies.
Industry Recognised Credential Seal: Earn a 12-point approved industry-recognized credential or group of credentials totaling 12 points in a single career field.
College Ready Seal: Earn remediation-free scores on the ACT or SAT
Military Enlistment Seal: Show evidence of enlistment in a branch of the armed services or participate in an approved JROTC program
Citizenship Seal: A student must meet one of the following to earn the Citizenship Seal:
Science Seal: A student must meet one of the following to earn the Science Seal:
Honors Diploma Seal: Earn one of six Honors Diplomas outlined: Academic Honors Diploma, International Baccalaureate Honors Diploma, Career-Tech Honors Diploma, STEM Honors Diploma, Arts Honors Diploma, Social Science and Civic Engagement Honors Diploma.
Seal of Biliteracy: Meet the requirements and criteria, including proficiency requirements on assessments in a world language and English.
Technology Seal: A student must meet one of the following to earn a Technology Seal:
*Community Service Seal: A student must complete a minimum of ten community service hours.
*Fine & Performing Arts Seal: A student must complete a minimum of four units* in visual and/or performing arts; one of the two listed requirements, or a combination of both:
*Student Engagement Seal: Complete four units* of participation in any combination of extracurricular activity or club.
*Indicates Locally defined seal.