When your child is absent, please call the school attendance line, 419-823-4381 OPTION 6 to report that absence.
You can also email me at [email protected] stating why your child is absent.
If the school does not hear from a parent in the morning, the office will send out an Instant Alert that your child is absent.
If a parent never calls in or emails, the attendance code for that day is UNEXCUSED.
*****In order for a student driver to leave for an appointment, leave sick, or leave campus for another matter, parents MUST either email or call ahead of time. We will not allow students to drive off campus during school hours unless we hear from a parent/guardian. This does not include students in CCP, Penta Industrial Maintenance, CBI.
When in doubt, just call the attendance line, or send me an email, or write a note alerting me of a student absence, student arriving late, or student leaving early.